Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

Epithermal environments and styles of mineralization: variations and their causes, and guidelines for exploration

Epithermal environments and styles of mineralization: variations and their causes, and guidelines for exploration
I. BHP-Utah Minerals International, P.O. Box 619, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
2. Mineral Resources Department, Geological Survey of Japan, 1-1-3 H igashi,
Tsukuba 305, Japan

(Received June 12, 1989; accepted for publication August 22, 1989 )

White, N.C. and Hedenquist, J.W., 1990. Epithermal environments and styles of mineralization:
variations and their causes, and guidelines for exploration, II. In: J.W. Hedenquist, N.C. White
and G. Siddeley (Editors), Epithermal Gold Mineralization of the Circum-Pacific: Geology,
Geochemistry, Origin and Exploration. J. Geochem. Explor., 36: 445-474.
Epithermal precious- and base-metal deposits are diverse, reflecting the different tectonic, igneous
and structural settings in which they occur, the complexities of their local setting, and the
many processes involved in their formation. Most epithermal deposits form at shallow crustal
levels where abrupt changes in physical and chemical conditions result in metal deposition and
attendant hydrothermal alteration. The principal factors that influence the conditions prevailing
in the epithermal environment, and which ultimately determine the sites and character of mineralization,
include: geology (structure, stratigraphy, intrusions and rock type, which affect the style
and degree of permeability and the reactivity of the host); pressure and temperature (which in
the epithermal environment are related on the boiling point with depth curve); hydrology (the
relationship between permeability and topography which governs fluid flow, and discharge/recharge
characteristics, as well as access of steam-heated waters); chemistry of the mineralizing
fluid (which determines the metal-carrying capacity, as well as the associated vein and alteration
assemblage); and syn-hydrothermal development of permeability and/or changes in hydraulic
Many attempts have been made to classify epithermal deposits based on mineralogy and alteration,
the host rocks, deposit form, genetic models, and standard deposits. All have their strengths
and weaknesses. We prefer a simple approach using the fundamental fluid chemistry (high or low
sulfidation, reflecting relatively oxidized or reduced conditions, respectively) as readily inferred
from vein and alteration mineralogy and zoning, together with the form of the deposit, and using
comparative examples to clarify the character of the deposit.
Guidelines for exploration vary according to the scale at which work is conducted, and are
commonly constrained by a variety of local conditions. On a regional scale the tectonic, igneous
and structural settings can be used, together with assessment of the depth of erosion, to select
areas for project area scale exploration. At project area scale, direct (i.e. geochemical ) or indirect
guidelines may be used. Indirect methods involve locating and interpreting hydrothermal alteration
as a guide to ore, with the topographic and hydrologic reconstruction of the system being of high priority. These pursuits may involve mineralogic, structural, geophysical or remote sensing
methods. On a prospect scale, both direct and indirect methods may be used; however, they can
only be effective in the framework of a sound conceptual understanding of the processes that occur
in the epithermal environment, and the signatures they leave.

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